Cosmic Collisions: Discovery Channel Cosmic Collisions DVD


Brand: Discovery Channel


Cosmic Collisions: Discovery Channel Cosmic Collisions DVD
Cosmic Collisions: Discovery Channel Cosmic Collisions DVD

Supply Me from Dicovery Online $16.99 plus $5.95 shipping - In Stock - Last Price Update: March 19, 2012

Manufacturer Model: 743252540541
UPC: DSC-540541
Shipping Weight: 0.200000003 lbs. (0 lbs. may not be an accurate weight. Please update, if possible.)

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In the Cosmic Collisions DVD see how collisions have left deep scars and are responsible for one of the biggest extinctions in history. Scientists claim that another explosion of this kind is a certainty and work around the clock to find out how to prevent it from devastating this planet again. A fascinating solar system DVD also discusses meteor clashes on earth and throughout our solar system as well as forceful battles between colliding stars. Buy the Cosmic Collisions DVD and journey through our solar system to see what damage collisions have caused in the past and what they could do to our very own planet in the future. COLLISION EARTH Learn everything there is to know about meteor clashes with Earth and how scientists are preparing for the next assault.COLLISION: SOLAR SYSTEMTravel through our cosmic neighborhood as we examine how collisions created our moon left gashes on Jupiter and how pieces of Mars ended up in our own backyard.GALACTIC COLLISIONSGalaxies smash into eac


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