Gettysburg: The Battle and The Address DVD


Brand: Discovery Commerce


Gettysburg: The Battle and The Address DVD
Gettysburg: The Battle and The Address DVD

Supply Me from Dicovery Online $14.99 plus $5.95 shipping - In Stock - Last Price Update: March 19, 2012

Manufacturer Model: 536331
UPC: DSC-74693
Shipping Weight: 0 lbs. (0 lbs. may not be an accurate weight. Please update, if possible.)

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In the Gettysburg The Battle & The Address DVD see how Abraham Lincoln's carefully crafted address came to be regarded as one of the greatest speeches in American history. Beginning with the now-iconic phrase 'Four score and seven years ago ' Lincoln invoked the principles of human equality. And redefined the Civil War as a struggle and a catalyst for 'a new birth of freedom.' With the Gettysburg DVD revisit a battle with extraordinary casualties which also changed the course of history and one of the most famous speeches in American History retold through dramatic live-action recreations and state of the art computer animation. In the Gettysburg The Battle & The Address DVD revisit the battle that changed the world and the speech that saved America. Gettysburg: The Battle and The Address describes one of the most pivotal moments in American history as America remained a nation divided firmly entrenched in the grim and bloody Civil War.A Gettysburg DVD uses stunning computer ani


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