The Photo Book Projects: Volume 1 & 2 (Hardcover)


Brand: Discovery Channel


The Photo Book Projects: Volume 1 & 2 (Hardcover)
The Photo Book Projects: Volume 1 & 2 (Hardcover)

Supply Me from Dicovery Online $89.5 plus $10.95 shipping - In Stock - Last Price Update: March 19, 2012

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UPC: 609224122637
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Deaf Dogs (The Photo Book Projects Volume 1) Thousands of deaf dogs are put to sleep each year simply because they are deaf. This photo book profiles deaf dogs who were lucky enough to find their forever homes. 78 gorgeous portraits of deaf dogs and their stories. 30% of the proceeds from all online sales of the book will be donated to the Foundation. 160 Pages Rescued in America (The Photo Book Projects Volume 2) Millions of pets are euthanized in US shelters each year. This photo book profiles rescued dogs who were lucky enough to find their forever homes. 105 beautiful portraits of dogs (all once homeless) and their stories. 30% of the proceeds from all online sales of the book will be donated to the Foundation. 160 Pages


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