Rommel: Leadership Lessons from the Desert Fox Book (Hardcover)


Brand: Military Channel


Rommel: Leadership Lessons from the Desert Fox Book (Hardcover)
Rommel: Leadership Lessons from the Desert Fox Book (Hardcover)

Supply Me from Dicovery Online $21.95 plus $5.95 shipping - In Stock - Last Price Update: March 19, 2012

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UPC: 9780230609082
Shipping Weight: 0 lbs. (0 lbs. may not be an accurate weight. Please update, if possible.)

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With the hardcover Rommel Lessons From Yesterday For Today's Leaders book the Great Generals series expands to include global leaders. World Generals will span the world and history to track the wins losses and strategies of gifted military minds in several countries. The World War 2 book Rommel: Leadership Lessons from the Desert Fox launches the epic new series with a close examination of the powerful German field marshal.The hardcover Rommel Lessons From Yesterday For Today's Leaders book is modeled on the acclaimed Great Generals series which features the strategy and legacy of famous American generals. World Generals broadens the scope to include the world's finest military leaders. The World War 2 book Rommel: Leadership Lessons from the Desert Fox Book includes a foreword by Wesley K. Clark. This exciting new series opens with The Desert Fox the most famous German field marshal in World War II Erwin Rommel. In the Air Force book Rommel: Leadership Lessons from the De


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